
Did you get into trouble? This blog is all about working with the right lawyer, so that you can prove your innocence. Click here for more information.

Ways Criminal Record Expungement Benefits You

18 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Criminal record expungement is a process that people can use if they want to have past criminal charges removed from their records. Criminal expungement is not guaranteed to everyone that wants it, but it is an option for many people. If you have criminal charges that you are tired of dealing with on your record, you can hire a lawyer and begin pursuing criminal record expungement. Here are some of the benefits expungement offers if the court approves your case. Read More …

Reasons To Hire A Drunk Driving Lawyer

26 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Facing a drunk driving charge? DUI laws can vary by state, but in most states, a first-time conviction for drunk driving is considered a misdemeanor, which will remain on a person's record and can escalate to a felony. The best course of action when you're facing DUI charges is to hire an attorney that works with DUI cases to handle your defense.  Here are a few important reasons to let a DUI lawyer defend you. Read More …

Not A Minor Infraction: Reckless Driving

24 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

It's one thing to catch a speeding ticket while on the way the work. It's another thing entirely if you end up charged with reckless driving. Most driving violations are just infractions. You are breaking the law but not to the degree that you need to be arrested. It can be confusing to sort out how this charge differs in seriousness so read on to learn more. When a Citation Is Not Enough Read More …

How Relocation Can Affect Your Estate Plan And What To Do About It

26 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A major relocation can fill you with excitement and optimism, but it can also present you with some not-so-pleasant estate planning challenges. Whether you're settling in another country, moving across state lines, or simply transferring your residence to another town, this change may require you to go back and look at your estate documentation, assets, and decisions. Here are some of the problems that may pop up as you're planning your move, along with some ways that your estates and trusts attorney can help resolve them. Read More …

How To Deal With Domestic Violence Allegations

12 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Few accusations may come as a shock as much as a domestic violence claim. If you've been accused of violence involving a family member or a romantic partner, it's a good idea to learn the basics of how to respond to the situation. Follow these tips to give yourself a chance to mount a reasonable defense. Charges vs. Allegations The first question a domestic violence attorney is going to have regarding any case is whether charges have been filed by the police or a prosecutor's office. Read More …

About Me
Working With The Right Lawyer

When I got in trouble a few years ago, I used a brand new court-appointed attorney. She was visibly nervous, which made me scared about my fate. Fortunately, she was able to prove that I was innocent, but I was left wondering what would have happened otherwise. After that experience, I decided to research attorneys so that I could work with someone that I believed in. I spent a few weeks interviewing different professionals, so that I would have someone ready for the next round of litigation. It was amazing to see how much better things went. This blog is all about working with the right lawyer, so that you can prove your innocence.
